
Digital Marketing is a powerful way to reach your target audience. Think about this: UAE is the top country in terms of Smartphone users. Majority people in UAE have mobile. On average, text messages are read within 4 minutes. This is the best way to get your message across.

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Your Moneymaking SMS Marketing Campaign

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The total number of population, in UAE, is 9.266 million, active internet users are 8.81 million, active mobile social accounts is almost 6 million. Why do we need all these details? Before launching any marketing camping, it is crucial to study your target market. Accordingly, you can plan digital marketing campaigns, create a strategy, and get the most out of it.

Bulk SMS Marketing and WhatsApp Marketing are one of the best ways to approach a vast number of people instantly. Technologies tend to make our life easier, faster, and better. Mobile phones have become, for many people, an indispensable companion. Despite its small size, it has everything you may need: clock, calculator, mail, instant messenger, etc. Many companies are trying to reach its client through bulk SMS marketing. Your phone may be a valuable target for them. Many of those promotional messages can be out of your interest due to the content, or time when it was sent. That is why each of us can be easily irritated when our favorite mobile phone starts receiving an endless stream of pure promotions and offers. 

It is good when bulk SMS marketing can appeal to emotions, and make receiver laugh. But most often, bulk SMS marketing only makes people angry, or leave a negative impression on the company-advertiser. The success of any marketing campaign consists of a number of aspects, such as: content, segmentation, time, day of the week, etc. Distribution of a unique SMS marketing campaign to the right audience can provide a solid foundation, trust to the company, its product, and establish a long relationship. If you want to create a successful bulk SMS marketing campaign, check these tips on how to attract client’s attention.

1. Add exclusive offer to your bulk SMS marketing campaign

Create the sense of importance, and exclusivity. In order to sell the product, you have to stand out of the crowd, to appeal to emotions, or just to be unique. Send offers and promotions that your audience can’t find on your website or social media platforms. Clients don’t want to get boring, simple, “offer” messages on their phone. Make their experience with you useful, and exciting. That is the secret that can increase your army of service/product users.

2.Think of a client’s needs

Companies that sell their product or service already know what they want from their potential clients. Nevertheless, it is even more important to understand what your audience want and what its needs? Numerous researches show that only 13% of people would like to receive promotional messages, on their phone. Another 43% is ready to receive different types of promotional messages in exchange for free content, services, bonuses, etc. Feel free to offer your clients what they really want.

3.Don’t disturb your audience

Don’t send bulk SMS campaigns at 7 am in the morning, or after 9 pm in the evening, to avoid complains of those who goes to sleep early, and wakes up late. Don’t forget about time difference, if your bulk SMS campaigns launch in different countries. Best timing, for the bulk SMS marketing campaign, is 10.30-12.30, and 13 pm-15 pm.

4.Time, and frequency, of bulk SMS campaign, matter

The question “When?”, in mobile marketing, is very important. Consumers expect to get promotional messages only when they really need it. Choose the right time for sending SMS messages, such as: right before, or during festivals, or promotional period. It is better to send messages during working hours of your company, as clients may need some details, or have questions on upcoming event or offer. To provide needed details to the client, at the right time, is a key!

Bulk SMS marketing has so many other techniques that can help you to launch your own successful marketing campaign. If you want to know more – check our next blog. We will tell you how to make your message attractive, and stand out from the crowd.
For now, if you have any questions – you can contact Bulk SMS Dubai – leader in bulk SMS marketing in UAE. Our consultants will answer all your questions, and give needed suggestions on your upcoming marketing campaigns.
Stay tuned!

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Guest Monday, 31 March 2025

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A Division of Dataslices Solutions Inc.

BulkSMSDubai is an eminent SMS provider offer reciprocal & instant text messaging service. BulkSMSDubai offer available 360 degree SMS marketing services with full handset level delivery reporting to reassure your gratification.

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