
Digital Marketing is a powerful way to reach your target audience. Think about this: UAE is the top country in terms of Smartphone users. Majority people in UAE have mobile. On average, text messages are read within 4 minutes. This is the best way to get your message across.

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Text Message Marketing Book for Retailers!

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Of late, a drastic revolution has taken place in terms of buying behavior of consumers, their buying patterns, product awareness, brand consciousness etc. On every day basis, we witness a new trend in the market as everything has transformed immensely. And the chief reason behind all this transformation is the nativity of Modern Retailing.

These days, consumers have wide options to choose and buy, huge malls, hyper & supermarkets, multiplexes, conventional & departmental stores, multi brand outlets, discounted shops etc. and hence, for unrivaled results, smart selection of marketing platform is of the essence. 


In order to be unique in the market, it has become need of hour for Retailers to adopt remarkably nifty tactics such as adapting smarter technology, understanding the consumer demands, gauging market situations and last, but not the least, build long term relationship with loyal clients by proffering them special attention and utmost care.

As a result, retailers need to adopt a marketing platform that could bring in traffic and augment sales. Now the question arises, which marketing platform to pick to satiate the need in question. 

And the answer is SMS marketing, as is a great medium to STAND OUT, GET YOURSELF NOTICED & REEL IN YOUR CUSTOMERSText message marketing is an instantaneous and effective method to reach right audience and drive stream of traffic to store facility or online store. Retailers can use SMS marketing to build trust and long term relation with its customer.

Moreover, SMS marketing service can come real handy for retailers, when it comes to structuring a loyalty program for its clients. It is one of the finest approaches to make customers feel special and stimulate them to visit into the stores regularly.

Using SMS marketing service, see what all you can do!

  • Discount Coupons: Offer 25% discount or buy one-get one free.
  • Text to Win: run regular contests to give away prize- 15% off on today’s bill.
  • Quiz Text: Quiz some attention-grabbing facts and entice customers.
  • Text to Vote: Introduce feedback and voting opportunities to allow client to interact, and retailers to track their loyal customers.
  • Mobile QR code: Create limitless 2D Barcodes of discount coupons and marketing video URLs.

Apart from pushing marketing efforts, SMS broadcast can also offer excellent services to customer.

  • Send order ready / pick-up SMS alerts
  • Send text for new arrivals and upcoming sale.
  • Send product details while customers in store.
  • Birthday & anniversary discount alerts.
  • Send news and upcoming events 

Text message marketing service work as a boon for retailers as Time is a ruling factor these days for customers. Due to abatement of time, it has become indispensable for retailers to be more innovative, updated and direct while advertising their products.  

According to GCC industry experts’ statistics: 

  • 84% of people can’t spend their day without Smartphone?
  • Average mobile users check their devices more than 100 times a day.
  • 99% of recipient read text messages & 94% of these messages are opened with 3 minutes. 
  • SMS has 90% (or better) average open rate.

These statistics evidently shows that retailers need to meet their prospects in their choice of environment, a place most of them visit on continues basis i.e. Mobile. SMS marketing proffer heaps of valuable solutions enfolded in a low cost package that kicks the rivalry out of the water! Text message marketing is no more a choice, but vital tool to endorse retail business verticals.

For more information on Bulk SMS, you can reach me on or can call on +971-4-450-4292. You can also check out, Best Bulk SMS Provider across GCC region

Copyright: 2016. All rights reserved.

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Guest Monday, 31 March 2025

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A Division of Dataslices Solutions Inc.

BulkSMSDubai is an eminent SMS provider offer reciprocal & instant text messaging service. BulkSMSDubai offer available 360 degree SMS marketing services with full handset level delivery reporting to reassure your gratification.

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